Welcome to the first Dyddiau Du newsletter!
First off, we want to say a HUUUGE thank you to everyone who helped celebrate our launch this past weekend! Big big thank you to all the stallholders, open mic poets, workshop facilitators and attendees, volunteers, Lucent Dreaming for their showcase and support, everyone who popped their head in and said nice things! There’s literally an army of people to say thanks to, so consider this one big mushy MWAH X to all of you.

We are OFFICIALLY OPEN FOR BUSINESS as of Thursday 1st December!
We will be closing for the festive period on Thursday 22nd December, and reopening on Thursday 5th January! We’ll have a Dyddiau Du social on the 22nd of December too. More info on that later in the month!
We’re hosting an exhibition! A mix of visual protest art and performance, of Iranian Women’s Fight for Freedom Through Art. ‘The Rise of the Simorgh’ is open to the public on Friday 2nd December, 6-8pm. This is a free event and open to all.
Cardiff Collage Club is BACK! This time with a fancy new Instagram account. Pop down for some low stakes festive collaging with club-runners, Freya and Sam!

Featured Poem
Every two weeks we’ll pick a poem from a book within our library, to post on our newsletter and socials. Our very first poem is by the formidable Taylor Edmonds, who floored all who attended the Lucent Dreaming showcase reading from her pamphlet, Back Teeth, recently published by Broken Sleep Books.

We need volunteers! If you’d like to volunteer your time to help man the desk, please get in touch! You can help yourself to as many hot drinks as you can drink, while having the time and space to write, read and work on projects.
We also need your books! Poetry, art, photography, fiction, philosophy, books by queer, neurodivergent writers and writers of colour. Just DM, email or pop in for a chat.
That’s a wrap! Thank you for reading, and for being with us on this crazy ride! We’re excited to be officially open and to chat to you all!
Joshua, Freya and Rhys x
Dyddiau Du
Thurs-Sat 11-6pm, Sun 11-4pm
Capitol Centre, Queen Street, Cardiff, CF10 2HQ
Twitter & Instagram: @dyddiaudu
Buy us a Kofi, so we can afford to stay open!