Eyup chucks! We’re sliding towards July here at Dyddiau Du, into those crazy hazy sweaty days of midsummer... we’ve got another beautiful line up of events for you to have a gander at below! You’ll find our space is surprisingly cool (in temperature and content), so whether you’re checking out our events or just popping in to use our community library and workspace, come hydrate, come say hi, come enjoy our gawgeous Fluid/Hylif exhibition, we’d love to see you!
Lone Worlds Call Out
We’re partnering up with Lone Worlds!
Lone Worlds are presenting a new instalment of their infamous Come Be Queer event, an evening of poetry and performance. For this extra-special event, we’re looking to embed a series of creative writing workshops at Dyddiau Du, on Fridays 14th and 21st of July, from 6-8pm!
These private workshops will be freely accessible to members of Dyddiau Du’s community, and will culminate with performances for the Come Be Queer event on Friday 28th of July at Porter’s! ‘Performance’ can be anything, as it long as it includes a text-based element, including music, spoken word, puppetry, drag, comedy, you name it, buddy!
Due to minimal resources, spaces will be limited, and for fairness will be offered on a first come, first served basis! If you have interest in participating in this workshop series, as a way of building confidence and material to perform live at our upcoming Come Be Queer, please email loneworldscardiff@gmail.com with an expression of interest by Friday 7th of July, 12pm! We look forward to hearing from you xoxo

Coming Up
Look at all this goodness coming your way - July is a busy month before we shut in August for some much needed rest and sun! We haven’t had a break since Christmas, and these walls need a fresh lick of paint baby (+ we spend so much time at DD, we look anaemic).

No Creative Writing workshop or Film Club this month, buuuut we have plenty else going on, including working with the Welsh Underground Network, Trans Aid Cymru and Lone Worlds! We also have our monthly open mic event, as well as the DD x Lone Worlds event at Porter’s on the 28th!

FLUID / HYLIF - Extended!
If you haven’t heard already, our exhibition Fluid / Hylif curated by our marvellous Rey Hope is now up until the end of July! So you’ve got plenty more time to come browse these luscious walls filled with art inspired by queer ecology. It’s bloody gorgeous, trust us.
We’ll have a closing event at the end of the month, to celebrate this exhibition, and to say a short farewell until we open back up in September! There will be poetry from Durre Shahwar, Vidhi Chaudhary, Skye Kember, Lucy Smith, Joshua Jones, and musical performance from Llyr Adeline.

Book of the Month
Hinterland: The Best New Creative Non-Fiction
Issue 5, 2020
Featuring creative non-fiction from across the globe, this issue of Hinterland includes extracts of biography, memoir, ekphrasis, psychoscape and more. A beautiful and surprising magazine to flick through, it begins with Ian Seed’s gorgeous flash non-fiction ‘Italian Partisans’, which explores connections to landscape and the simultaneous distance and closeness between strangers.
You can find this and many other writing magazines in the Dyddiau Du library!
– Lucy Smith
That’s all for now - we look forward to seeing your lovely faces come through the DD doors in the weeks to come! Join us for events, co-working, library browsing and general chitchats. Don’t be a stranger x
Lucy, Joshua & Rey x
Dyddiau Du
Fri-Sat 11-6pm, Sun 11-4pm
Capitol Centre, Queen Street, Cardiff, CF10 2HQ
Twitter & Instagram: @dyddiaudu