Hiya folks!
Sorry it’s been a while, I’ve actually really struggled w keeping up with writing the newsletter. Who knew writing takes up so much time and energy (me, Joshua Jones, a published writer, jfc).
Anyway, this is just a short one to say “Hi! Don’t forget that we exist!” and to give y’all info about our festive break and when we'll be back open in 2024.
2024 baebae
We will be out of office from the 16th of December until the 29th of January, and reopening to the public on Friday 2nd February. We’ll be back with our regular schedule of poetry open mics, writing workshops, book launches and more!
Our event availability is currently from March onwards.
Also, can we have books back please lmao. Get in touch via email or DM if you’re unable to bring them in the dates shown above.
And come to our last two events of the year, our Winter Social and Palestinian Film Screening & Fundraiser!

Stay warm & stay cosy, gays an’ theys of Cardiff.
Joshua, Lucy, Oskar, Emily & Rey x
Dyddiau Du
Fri-Sat 11-6pm, Sun 11-4pm
Capitol Centre, Queen Street, Cardiff, CF10 2HQ
Twitter & Instagram: @dyddiaudu
Buy us a Kofi, so we can afford to stay open!